Large-leaved Lime
(Tilia platyphyllos)
Abrupt point
Heart shaped

Large leaved Lime

Large-leaved Lime twigs
Winter twig

flowering branch


distribution map

The alternate leaves are heart-shaped, tapering abruptly to a fine tip and are 7-12 cm long. They have hairs over the undersides (Small-leaved Lime has tufts of rusty hairs only at the junction of the veins). Leaves usually have hairs above, below (at least on the veins), and on the leaf stalk.

ID check

Large-leaved Lime is a deciduous tree, up to 25 m in height, with a main trunk often forking above and a smooth dark-grey bark which breaks up into plates later.

It does not produce suckers from the base (unlike Small-leaved Lime).

Leaves usually have hairs above, below (at least on the veins), and on the leaf stalk.


  • Lime wood does not warp and is often used for keys and sounding boards of pianos and organs.

  • The flowers are very attractive to honey bees and sometimes the whole tree can be buzzing with bees.

  • The bark has been used to make rope.

  • Limes have been associated with fertility. They also signify freedom and were planted to celebrate battles.


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