Using Green Cabomba Pondweed in the Lab


Pondweed is valuable for the lab for its oxygenating properties. Use the bubbles of oxygen given off by pondweed to demonstrate oxygen evolution in the process of photosynthesis.

Cabomba caroliniana is no longer available in the UK, due to the invasive plant directive. We have trialled several alternatives and you can read our recommendations here. We no longer recommend one particular species but instead provide guidance on how to get successful results with your pondweed species of choice.


Teaching Topics

  • Photosynthesis


Green Cabomba, Cabomba caroliniana

An aquatic pondweed used in home aquarium tanks as both an ornamental and oxygenating plant. No longer available in the UK.

Growing and sourcing

Obtaining: Green Cabomba pondweed is no longer available in the UK due to the invasive plant directive. You can find more details of other species that are available and will work for pondweed practicals here.

Care: In our experience, caring properly for pondweed is the best route to pondweed practical success. Pondweed is best kept in a a constantly aerated tank (just use a simple aquarium pump) filled with tap water located near a window or with a bright lamp (>1200lm). Putting pondweed into cold water straight from the tap may cold shock it so take care to allow water to come to room temperature. Further details on pondweed care can be found in the video here.

Note: If you happen to still have any Cabomba it must be disposed of carefully. This plant must NOT be put into the domestic water–course, as it becomes an invasive pest. We recommend disposal in domestic waste or (preferably) by burning. Always dispose of non-native plants like Cabomba appropriately – be plant wise.

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