Engage your students with enzymes
Interested in thinking differently about enzymes? Our teaching resource Engage your students with enzymes explores how you can approach this topic in a new way.
Enzymes are so much more than catalysts. Engaging students with the role enzymes play in the regulation of metabolism allows them to see the elegance of life’s solutions to challenges. This resource uses the example of the allocation of the glucose produced during photosynthesis to explore the fascinating role of enzymes as metabolic switches.
The Teacher Introduction provides a quick summary of the concepts covered in the resource. The Teaching Notes elaborate on this idea, delving further into how plants make choices and how enzymes allow for a self-organising system. They also cover the student activity which develops students’ problem-solving skills and, most importantly, helps to build their enthusiasm for enzymes.
Go to the resource page to download the documents.
This work has been carried out by Dr Chris Graham, Head of Biology at Hills Road Sixth Form College (seconded to SAPS).

Engage your students with enzymes
Teaching resource
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